A downloadable game for Windows

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“Is there any way to go back? Do I even want to?”

Sobre el juego - About the Game

Over the Quiet Storm simboliza un viaje a través de las distintas fases que puede experimentar una persona adicta: desde el primer contacto, pasando por la experimentación y finalmente llegando a un incierto desenlace que el jugador puede decidir. Para su correcta representación, el juego utiliza espacios no euclidianos con la intención de crear confusión y desorientación.

Este juego representa no solo un viaje, sino pensamientos y emociones complejas utilizando la menor cantidad de palabras posible. Jugarlo es una experiencia diferente para cada persona, dejando en cada individuo una compleja mezcla de sentimientos. A pesar de que este juego ha sido creado para centrarse en un tema particular, el verdadero significado solo puede ser decidido por cada jugador.

Over the Quiet Storm ha sido el proyecto de final de grado de "Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos" en la UJI (Universidad Jaume I) realizado por Héctor Rubio Rico y Alba Ramos Montañés.


Over the Quiet Storm symbolizes a voyage through the different phases that an addicted person could present: from the first contact, through experimentation, and finally to an uncertain end that can be decided by the player. For its correct representation, the game makes use of non-Euclidean spaces, with the intention of creating confusion and disorientation. 

This game represents not only a journey, but complicated thoughts and emotions, using the fewest possible words. Playing it is a different experience for each person, leaving in each individual a complex mixture of feelings. Even though this game has been created to focus on a particular subject, the true meaning of itself can be only decided by each player. 

Over the Quiet Storm has been the final degree project of the "Design and Development of Video Games" degree at UJI (University Jaume I) by Héctor Rubio Rico and Alba Ramos Montañés.

El equipo - The team

Fractal (Alba Ramos Montañés, Héctor Rubio Rico)

Controles - Controls

Moverse / Move: WASD

Saltar / Jump: Espacio / Space bar

Mover la cámara / Camera movement: Ratón / Mouse

Pausa / Pause: Esc

Idioma - Language

Actualmente el juego solo está disponible en inglés.

Currently, the game is only available in English.

Guía - Walkthrough

Puedes encontrar una guía completa de Over The Quiet Storm en al siguiente link:

You can find a complete walkthrough of  Over the Quiet Storm at the following link:


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

OverTheQuietStorm.rar 110 MB


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Game's awersome and I like a lot the atmosphere you both created. However, I found a couple things that can be polited a little bit.

Here some things I noticed:

-Softlock at lvl 3. After the statue falls I have no idea how to continue because of the invisible wall that blocks the way. I don't know if I couldn't figure it out or that wall shouldn't be there.

-Jump works unconsistently. I think it might be a problem with the ground checker or the input reader.

-In the pause menu the  slider that controls the bar would be nice if it saves the player preference with playerprefs. They are so easy to do. You just need a loader and a saver like this(


slider.value = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("whateverName");


-Pause menu having just a "Return to Menu" Button is a little bit tricky in my opinion. Every time I open it I accidentally return to menu because I  instintively think It's a resume button. Maybe adding a resume Button helps. Anyways test it with other people to see if this is a common thing or just happens to me. 

Btw, I love how polite you got the portals. I just noticed them because I used it in the past. Good luck with the project guys

Thank you very much for your comments! We are aware of all these errors (in fact, most of them have already been fixed), and we are working on improving the game.

However, for now, we have chosen to upload an earlier version of the project, which, despite having some errors, is still a playable version and does not have serious performance issues.

Thank you again for playing it ^^